Mykor Investment
Address of property?
Legal owner(s) names on home?
Is the property listed for sale with a real estate broker/agent right now?
Is the property currently occupied? Are you the occupant, or is this an investment property with tenants?
What are the property details? I.E. Number of bedrooms, bathrooms, square footage, and year house was built?
Condition of the property? Any problems and/or condition issues with your home? How old is roof, furnace, water heater, and HVAC? Does the property need to be painted on the inside and/or outside, age of the flooring, cabinets, etc.?
Any extensions added on to your home? If so, please provide a copy of the certificate of occupancy.
Any judgements and/or liens
Why do you want to sell the property?
What type of mortgage(s) do you have, and with which institution(s)? Any HELOC’s of other loans
What is the remaining balance of your mortgage(s)? Are you behind on any payments?