Mykor Investment
Legal owner(s) names on land?
Street address or parcel number?
Flood Zone status?
How is the land zoned?
Are there any easements on the property?
How is access to the property achieved? Public access, easements, no legal success at all.
Has the land been professionally surveyed? If yes, when?
Will the rights and interests of the land (air above it, land on top of it, and minerals rights below it) convey with the sale of the property?
Are there any water features on the land? Any rivers, streams, lakes, wells?
Are there any known environmental defects or issues with the property?
Are there any public utilities around?
What is the current homeowner using the land for?
What are your neighbors using the property for?
Are there any trails or roads on the property
Are there any potential government actions against the property (i.e., eminent domain)?